Formula One or also known as F1 is both mentally and physically demanding sport. Drivers ought to endure high g-forces with every race covering almost 200 miles. In the regular season, drivers are competing more or less 20 races in just a span of 8 months. Oftentimes, they are subjected to extreme heat, humidity and rain. This as a result creates a challenging travel schedule which can test the fitness and nutrition requirements of drivers.
Staying Fit and Healthy Off-Season
A lot of drivers are sticking to a physical training schedule like undergoing sessions CoolSculpting with the goal of improving muscle strength, managing body weight and preventing injury. This approach additionally plays a big part in training throughout off-season.
In Season Race
In comparison to in-season drivers, they are following strict maintenance programs partnered with strength development that is aligned on individual goals. Aside from that, the drivers are spending time performing cardiovascular training similar to running, cycling and swimming. This is essential in order for them to manage their body composition.
While it is not completely accurate how many calories they are burning when training and racing both in simulators and cars, it is pretty clear that proper nourishment is key in achieving optimal performance.
Test of Endurance
Drivers are expected to withstand heat as they race throughout warm climates which may cause the reduction of their body weight by over 3 to 4 liters of sweat. And that is just in a single race. In perspective, this is equivalent to 5 percent of body mass reduction. Thus, pre as well as post race hydration is important to keep them focused and at the same time, speed up recovery.
Before and during races, drivers are drinking carbohydrate electrolytes to help them in maintaining their blood glucose levels while replacing the sweat they lost. Despite the fact that caffeine might be used in improving reaction time and alertness, an excess of this might result in dehydration.
Outside the Track
When not in a race, drivers are using nutrition in order to promote optimal strength and body composition. Generally, their diets compose of vegetables, fruits and whole grains to boost immune function as well as energy release.