Formula One, NASCAR, and all sorts of racing events and teams are businesses. And for any business, regardless of the industry, it is in, social media plays a huge role in its success and growth. The thing is, if the account is hacked, it can lead to big damages to the business as well as its reputation. This is the exact same reason why motorsport teams are so secure with regards to their social media accounts to prevent any compromise.
Keeping Your Online Identity Protected
Now, whether you are a business or a regular individual, if you have important information that you want to protect online, you should follow the tips discussed below.
Create a Strong Password
The initial step in ensuring that your social media account is secured is by creating a strong password. Meaning to say, your typical go-to password of 1234, name or birthday would not cut.
When creating a strong password, this normally include series of upper and lower case letters, symbols and numbers. While this is the recommended combination, still make it a way that you’d remember it. Refrain from using similar passwords for the same account. This is a very common approach that hackers do to hack into their target’s profile.
Update Your Password
It is recommended that you change the password of both your personal and business social media accounts on regular intervals. The password needs to be changed at least every 3 or 6 months or whenever an employee has to resign.
As for businesses and motorsport teams, passwords for all accounts have to be updated immediately so they will not have any access if ever they give it a try. While you may have trust in your employees, it doesn’t hurt to be careful in doing this precaution.
Use 2FA
2FA is basically 2-Factor Authentication which makes an online account more secure. Here, whenever someone logs in using a new device, they need to put the PIN sent to the account owner through SMS, email or an app. This not just protects owners from stolen passwords but also, guarantees that whoever manages the account will be notified of the new access. So if for example someone is using an Instagram hacker app, it is going to stop them from successfully logging into the account.