A lot of things can happen in a Grand Prix motorcycle racing. Above everything else is how much engineering marvel has been invested to each bike and not to mention, the costs it took to develop and build it. As a matter of fact, one of the fastest bikes ever built for race can easily exceed the speeds of 210 miles per hour while retaining grip on roads at 60 degrees or even more.
The Interesting World of Motorcycle Racing
Though for some who are into this sport and enthusiastic about it, they even opt to hire professionals like lifestyle write for us to expand their reach. Thus, make people know more about the sport.
But if we are going to look at motorcycle racing on a scientific way, then it’s going to show that race bikes are nothing less of a kinetic demonstration of laws of physics.
If you don’t believe it, then let us look at each factors how science play a big part in the sport.
Number 1. Gravity
Gravity is always set in motion whenever the rider started shifting his weight to be able to turn the motorcycle and change its direction. This in return helps them in lowering its center of gravity.
Number 2. Kinetic Energy
On a straightaway, energy of the motorcycle is focused moving forward, allowing them to gain more speed.
Number 3. First Law of Motion
According to Newton, a body in motion is persisting in straight line unless, it is compelled to change.
Number 4. Thermodynamics
When slowing the bike from a high speed to make a turn, this is causing heat to buildup in brakes and may reduce its performance.
Number 5. Centrifugal Force
Whenever riders are making fast turns, forward motion and lean angle counteracts the pull towards the outer edge of track.
Number 6. Friction
There is actually a special compound in motorcycle tires which enable it to have great traction on the track’s asphalt even when they are at 60 degrees lean angles or even more.
With all these things being said, it is impossible to still ignore that science and motorcycle racing is closely related.